Bhagyanagar Shivaji Seva Samithi

Bhagyanagar Shivaji Seva Samithi


Our Book Publications:

  • Besides organising a number of socio, cultural and national programs, we also publish various books in order to preserve our glorious past, beautiful present and wonderful future, our original, proudful, inspirable and ever-useful books are made available to the present and future generations.
  • We wanted to intact the student generation with our traditional way of life which attracted the World, which is a unique feature of our country.

So far we have published books as per the list given below:

  • Idhi mana bharatha desham.
  • Vinayakatatwam vigyanikatwam.
  • Vishwavikyatha bharatiya vigyana vetthalu.
  • Perugutuna kalushyam – Tarugutuna aayushyam.
  • Nizam Raju – Adhikaram anthamina roju.
  • Maro chatrapati – mana Telugu dalapathi-sardhar sarvai papanna – Written By Nandanam Krupakar.
  • Mana ramulamma rajakiya prasthanam.

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